How to transfer
Transfer Guide: Share Your ArbiPegs Treasures Seamlessly
Transferring NFTs on ArbiPegs is a straightforward, user-friendly process that involves just a few simple steps. Begin by connecting your wallet to access and select the NFT you wish to send to another address. Once connected, follow the steps outlined below:
My Profile
After connecting to your wallet, access the "My Profile" page located in the upper right corner, represented by a human icon. Clicking it will redirect you to your public profile page. Please note that this page is accessible to anyone with your address, allowing them to view the NFTs you own.
Upon accessing the "My Profile" page, you will find a list of the NFTs in your possession. If you do not see any NFTs listed, it could indicate that you currently do not own any NFTs or that you are connected to the incorrect wallet. Ensure that you are connected to the right wallet for accurate information. When you've identified the desired NFT for transfer, simply click on it, and you will be directed to the specific item page for that NFT.
Item Page
While on the item page of the NFT, you wish to transfer, you'll encounter various options. To facilitate the transfer, focus on locating the paper airplane icon positioned beneath the NFT. By clicking this paper airplane icon, denoting the transfer function, you can access the transfer menu.
Transfer Menu
After clicking the transfer icon, the transfer menu will become accessible. Here, you'll need to input the recipient's address for the NFT transfer. Once the address is filled in, select "Send NFT." This action triggers the transaction, and upon its successful completion, your NFT will be sent, making the process as straightforward as described!
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