
ArbiPegs's progressive stages: Closed Beta, Open Beta, V1 Launch, V2 & V3.

Closed Beta: Our journey begins with the Closed Beta phase, scheduled for 2023. During this phase, ArbiPegs will be fine-tuning its platform, working closely with a select group of users to ensure every aspect of the marketplace is finely crafted. It's a period of rigorous testing, bug-fixing, and optimization, where the focus is on creating a solid foundation for the journey ahead.

Open Beta: In 2024, ArbiPegs will open its doors to a wider audience, marking the transition to the Open Beta phase. This stage is all about inclusivity, inviting NFT enthusiasts from all walks of life to explore the platform, provide feedback, and actively participate in shaping the future of ArbiPegs. It's a unique opportunity to witness and influence the evolution of the marketplace.

V1 Official Launch: The highly anticipated V1 Official Launch follows the beta phases, introducing exciting features and improvements based on user feedback. This milestone represents a significant step forward, where ArbiPegs becomes a fully operational NFT marketplace, ready to cater to the diverse needs of the NFT community.

V2 & V3: While the specifics of V2 and V3 remain tantalizingly undisclosed, they represent the next phases in our journey. Building on the foundation of V1, these versions promise to bring even more innovation, features, and enhancements to ArbiPegs. With each version, we'll continue to redefine the NFT trading landscape and expand the possibilities within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

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